In App Feature

Workstation Setup Table

Configuration and manage Workstation

Project Details

A Workstation is a new and improved tool that lets people who use Rescale (a software platform) connect their own computer to a powerful remote computer to solve complex engineering problems. Before, there were two separate tools for this: Desktops and End-to-End Desktops. But now, Workstation combines both tools, making it easier for engineers and scientists to use a strong computer far away to do their work, either one problem at a time or in batches.
Research Insights
Before starting this project, our product manager talked to people already using the old Workstation feature. I also researched by talking to Rescale's Account Executives, Customer Success Engineers, and Solution Architect.
  • Users need clarification on why Desktops and End-to-End Desktops are in different product parts.
  • Existing customers with files can be added after starting a desktop.
  • Users want End-to-End Desktops to start up quicker.
  • Adjusting the time limit is difficult after the remote desktop is turned on.
  • Users need to learn the configuration of their desktops quickly.
  • Creating templates takes a lot of work to find.
  • 10% of Rescale's customers use End-to-End Desktop, making up 11% of total core hour usage.
  • End-to-End desktops are not easy to find and must be discovered by most Rescale customers.
Increase number of users by 80% of the customer base using Workstation
and create a pleasing experience for existing and new users.
My Role
UX/UI Designer
User Research
User Testing

Concept and Prototype

How to increase the number of users and create a better user experience for Workstation?
Process To Get There
Create wireframes, prototypes, and user testing based on the research/discovery. Also, involve the developers, product managers, and account executives along the design process. Involve those who are part of the project so they can feel they are part of the solution and understand how the feature was designed.
Design Goals
  • Combine End-to-End and Desktop into one feature
  • Discover ways to engage existing and new customers to use Workstation
  • Workstation is easy to find and easy to use for existing customers and newcomers
  • Be mindful of the amount of engineering time it will take to build the new feature
  • Make sure the 10% of customers who uses End-to-End desktop feel the new Workstation feature is a better experience
User Test
Tested with Rescale's top End-to-End and Desktops users test the prototype built on Figma - collect qualitative data. Here are the key take aways.
  • Users want to be able to stop more than one Workstation
  • Some felt there was too much information in the table
  • Testers enjoy the new clean look of the table and setup process
  • Having the ability to increase wall time on the table was a big win with the testers
"I love how I can now change the wall time on the home page - its a quicker and cleaner process"

Final Design

"Love the new UX/UI of Desktop, now when will Jobs be updated?"
  • In order to cut engineer hours, we came to agreement to split the design into different milestone
  • Milestone 1 is to release the new look and interaction of the home page, and it was a success
  • The rework of Desktop and its success help create a good argument to rework Jobs
  • After the release, super users who valued Workstation templates wished for a way to manage them. This feedback can help the team for the next Milestone release

Impact in Span of 3 Months

Increase of Total Core
Hours Used
Generated Core Hours Than Average Job
Revenue Projected in